Introduction to 3D Printing
The term 3D printing means making a solidifed item or structure by using material which is deposited, joined and solidified under computer control to create a 3 dimensional object. In the 1980s, 3D printing techniques were considered suitable only for the production of functional or aesthetic prototypes, and a more appropriate term for it at the time was rapid prototyping. Nowdays 3D printing is a part of our life and can be applied in different works.


3D Printer is a device that can make 3D design or model by laying thin layers of materials. 3D printer is the device to produce very complex shapes or geometries that would be otherwise impossible to construct by hand.
Nowdays it is being used in different work of designing models, making facial mask, etc. The term 3D printing means making a solidifed item or structure by using material which is deposited, joined and solidified under computer control to create a 3 dimensional object. The most common and most used type of 3D Printing is:
1) Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
FDM Printers use a thermoplastic filament, which is heated to its melting point and then extruded, to create a three dimensional object.

2) Stereolithography (SLI)
Stereolithography is a form of 3D printing technology used for creating models, prototypes, patterns, and production parts in a layer by layer fashion using photochemical processes.

Functions of 3D Printer
1) It is a additive in manufacturing technology that helps create complex geometries.
2) It doesnot uses any harmful substance and is environment friendly.
3) It make a solidified object of a digital form.
4) It is fully controlled by computer, thus it reduce our work.
1) 3D Printing was primarily used for prototyping products.
2) The first 3D printer, which used the stereolithography technique, was created by Charles W. Hull in the mid 1980s.
3) It uses a sensor in order to make a object perfect.
1) Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
FDM Printers use a thermoplastic filament, which is heated to its melting point and then extruded, to create a three dimensional object.

2) Stereolithography (SLI)
Stereolithography is a form of 3D printing technology used for creating models, prototypes, patterns, and production parts in a layer by layer fashion using photochemical processes.

Functions of 3D Printer
1) It is a additive in manufacturing technology that helps create complex geometries.
2) It doesnot uses any harmful substance and is environment friendly.
3) It make a solidified object of a digital form.
4) It is fully controlled by computer, thus it reduce our work.
1) 3D Printing was primarily used for prototyping products.
2) The first 3D printer, which used the stereolithography technique, was created by Charles W. Hull in the mid 1980s.
3) It uses a sensor in order to make a object perfect.
"As we are being more familier to the technology, we are being introduced to more useful inventions."
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